Town Park Home-Brew & Tasting Event


I just don’t know about that… any female out there care to help me find out? (I can see the line forming in front of my tent at Telluride…)

The Kaptain :cheers

Hmmm… olfactory… Ole Mr. Webster defines olfactory as: Of or relating to the sense of smell.

I get it! Your must be refering to FARTS! :lol

Oh Rhonny… you didn’t see or hear what I did in your tent while you were away… :evil

The Kaptain

We may have a new entry this year… We are trying our hand at making some mead.

Mmmmmeeead! I had some of that when I went to Ireland last September, and I told myself that I need to learn how to make it. So I will be stopping by your tent for sure to get a taste and maybe some brewing tips.

mmmmmmmm…mead is yummy warm, which by the sounds of it may come in handy for those nippy Telluride nights :wink:

I confess to being one of the best tasters this side of the Mississippi River. East Side. I will be willing to taste all beverages in an effort to obtain a good understanding of what it is that might be smoldering in that there container. Clear stuff scares me as I have been left semi unconcious more than once. As long as I am not driving, I have been noted to take a good snort of the clear juice. I would prefer to be in familiar surroundings as my good natured self leaves me and another party animal takes ahold of my well being. Often times leaving me in a state of bewilderment. If this is the sort of taste testing you have in mind, count me in.

With all due respect to the Debbie and hubby from Tucson and what I am sure will be a very good mead…

A close second to that kick-ass TCP that he brews, is James’ mead… now that is MY version of “comfort alcohol”…


xoxo MG (Rhonny)

no worries Larry, bring it all! there are no camp fires allowed, therefore, no campfire dancing to worry about :wink: :cheers :drive

So, is the homebrew tasting done in one area or do we get to tour the campground stopping at everyone’s spot to try their personal brew?

It has been in one spot, but we have talked about making it into a scavanger hunt type thing where you had a list of beers to taste, and you had to find them. :cheers

Heck I’m in favor doing both!
A killer home brew tasting party @ Wander In :medal
a scavenger hunt to find where the brews are hidden in the forest? :flower

I’ll make the punch card. :thumbsup


I really like the idea of wandering around Town Park and trying different homebrews and then getting your card punched at each homebrewer’s station. If this idea sounds good to ya-all and if it’s acted upon by The Mayor, we should culminate the event with a FEED of some sort (deep-fried ANYTHING with dipping sauces goes well with all homebrew)…(and I got a fryer)…(or maybe we could talk Boulder Dave into frying 13 turkeys again! … What happened to Fryer-Dave anyway?). We will need to feed in order to soak-up the home-booze before RUM-BALLS! And… all cards that have all stations punched should be entered into a drawing for something special… keeping the big prize ver-wy ver-wy seek-wit.

Let’ do it! … The Kaptain :cheers :hop :cheers

im gonna have to start home brewing. my brother has been trying to get me started for a long time. maybe you all can pass along some tips in june.

Ok kids Im back just finished up moving to our new digs in Albuquerque
nice larger house … any way been all through the Home Brew thread …you guys are insane , but we all knew that already, we will be brewing next weekend , sorry we didnt get to brew any mead this past winter,I will be bringing 4 corny’s of Pale and Co2, along with our fryer , So what every we come up with
Im In !!


Oh , I dont know if ours will be all that good…First attempt. We will let Ron try and let us know if it’s worthy enough…LOL…

BUT, Oh no, RON, I’ve been craving some Cocoa Mead…

Im sure it will be fine !
we never got around to it always something came up
we have like 45 pds of honey hanging around here , but with only 3 months left it wouldnt be great

Next year we will fix you a specal batch just for you !!!
just no pics …lol

I love, love, love the idea of the Homebrew Scavenger Hunt! Does anyone remember the t-shirts you used to get in Telluride with all the bars on it? You paid 25.00 for the t-shirt and got a free drink at each bar, and they “X”'d out the bar on your shirt. I believe there was some kind of plaque or something at the end… but my t-shirt has a big stain on it where I fell flat on my face after bar #7.

The implications here for the “H.B.S.H.”… hilarious!!

xoxo MG

Im kinda digging the Idea too but the whole comunnal thang i like too

Hugs Monkey

Back at 'cha PTM-man! :festivarian

xoxo MG

I like the Home Brew Tour idea, but how will the brewers tour if they’re tending there respective wares? :cheers